Saturday, November 13, 2010

The LEAP diet: Food Sensitivities, Allergies & Intolerances

On August 20th, I was laid off from work and started my LEAP diet plan.  This came from a test I took with my nutritionist, Neely Quinn, to discover what my food sensitivities were.  Since I was bloated and/or nauseous every time I ate, it was clear that something was awry in my belly. She happily endured my daily calls and texts while I panicked over how to cook with such limited options and interpret my body’s reactions to food. 

It was confusing at first to understand the difference between food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities.  How the LEAP report defines them are as follows:

Food Allergy: The most extreme version is anaphylactic shock, which is a massive release of histamines in response to food.  The immunological triggering mechanism that causes the mast cells to release their chemicals is called IgE.  Adverse reactions need only one molecule and occur within minutes.  It’s usually limited to airways, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Only 1-2% of the population is affected.

Food Sensitivity:  These can affect any organ in the body and take 45 minutes to 3 days to materialize.  It is usually a chronic problem and is dose dependant.  The immunologic mechanisms are white blood cells, IgG, IgM, C3 and C4.  An estimated 20-30% of the population suffers from this condition and the affects vary widely.

Food Intolerance:  Can produce similar adverse digestive reactions as sensitivities, but doesn’t involve the immune system.  When the food is ingested, it can’t be properly digested and ferments in the gut.  Lactose and gluten are the most common intolerance and usually causes bloating, diarrhea and gas.

In April of 2010 I found out I had both genes for gluten intolerance and was allergic to dairy.  This was pretty crushing considering what a bread and cheese addict I was.  I felt so much better when I took them out that it seemed worth it.  In less than a month, the bloating crept back in.  This time I traced it to soy.  Once removed, I was less bloated, but it still persisted.   I went to an allergy elimination specialist who added nuts to the list of allergic foods, but said I was having a systemic problem, so he couldn’t really work on my allergies until that was addressed.  He thought it was candida and a parasite, so I did cleanses for them, which added crushing fatigue to my symptom list.  I finally took Neely’s advice and took the LEAP food sensitivities test.

I was most crushed by finding out chocolate and grapes were my two most sensitive foods.  I guess all those nights indulging in both red wine and chocolate with my boyfriend weren’t helping matters.  It was interesting that I was also sensitive to coconut and olives, which I ate in some form every day too. 

Week 1:  Aug. 20 - Aug. 26 2010

The first week was very restrictive and I had a headache all day every day.  I quit taking my mood stabilizing naturopathic pills, vitamins and adrenal support, which was a bit terrifying, but I just couldn’t stomach them.  I was able to eat eggs, chicken, salmon, spinach, celery, green peppers, cranberries, cabbage, ginger, mustard powder, tomatoes and sesame oil.  If you’re counting, which I was, that’s 12 items.  During that week, I realized peppers weren’t working.  I also tried pecans, which “DESTROYED” me.  By destroyed I mean I could barely walk or talk.  Down to 11.

On my sheet where I keep track of everything I eat, how I feel before and after every meal, my bowel movements, and my daily practices, it was pretty obvious how I felt: exhausted, bloated, nauseous, headaches, and constipated. I slept 8-10 hours almost every day.

Week 2:  Aug. 27 -  Sept. 2

Technically I was allowed to start adding one food per day from the second phase list on day 8, but Neely said I couldn’t add anything until I went 24 hours without a headache.  On day 11 I added 5-HTP (serotonin support for depression) and it took 48 hours to recover.  I was slumped listlessly on the couch.  On day 13, I added beets.  They were the most divine taste ever!!  I also added kale that week.  Descriptions from this week include “barely able to lift my head, exhausted, weak, bloated, lethargic, like walking thru peanut butter, energized!, slight nausea, headache, dragging and hungry!”  I started taking L-glutamine to repair my leaky gut and HCL to help with digestion.  I went to work once to train for 4 hours, which crushed me.  I started waking up in the middle of the night to eat or pee, and was often unable to fall asleep until late. The serotonin was obviously wearing off.

Week 3:  Sept. 3 – Sept. 9

I started feeling a bit better this week and was able to introduce lamb, avocados, blueberries, cucumbers, garlic and mint.  I found that red tomatoes didn’t work, but if I ate yellow tomatoes that were cooked, I was much less bloated.  This week I had a lot of “good and decent” mixed in with the bloating and headaches.  With 2 HCL every meal, I was able to eat lots of protein.  Chicken thighs with all the fat left on them tasted like heaven and were helping put some more meat on my bones.  I was still constipated and waking up most nights to eat and/ or pee, but definitely making slow improvements. 

Week 4:  Sept. 10 – Sept. 16

I started recording when I was waking up, since it was the middle of every night.  It was almost 3:30 am on the dot every time.  Obviously my serotonin supply had exited the premises, but I still wasn’t depressed!  On Sept.14 (day 25), I found a great Chinese Medicine practitioner, Andrew Maloney.  He helped my sore throat dissolve and gave me some herbs.  I got super bloated and lethargic the first time I had them, so I went down to ½ scoop with each meal and slowly built up to 3 scoops per meal.  I added cauliflower, sunflower seeds, black pepper, and onions.  Everything worked except the sunflower seeds.  I got the same feeling I had with chocolate and red wine…like it was crack and I couldn’t stop shoveling it into my face. I was ridiculously bloated, but had discovered moxabustion, so could take care of it.

Week 5 & 6:  Sept. 17 – Oct. 4

I was busy packing and moving in with my parents the last weekend in September.  I managed to take a few loads of stuff up and down the stairs before total exhaustion.  The packing, moving and unpacking process was super draining, but I felt less stress having unloaded my apartment and enormous rent.  I introduced bison, asparagus, zucchini, salad greens, tuna, broccoli and carrots.  My sleep became regular with the Chinese herbs. 

Week 7: Oct. 4 – Oct. 10

Much of the week was described by “good”, although there are still some headaches and bloating.  I introduced fish oil, pork sausage (which made me exhausted with a headache), liver, probiotics, lemongrass, tahini, oregano, turkey bacon and sprinkle enzymes.  I also tried eating out at Larkburger, which was a disaster.  On day 50 I went rock climbing for the first time and did 3 easy climbs on top rope! Progress!!

Week 8: Oct. 11 – Oct. 17

I was feeling pretty good until we went to Indiana for my cousin’s wedding.  Although great to see friends and family, I realized that socializing leaves me completely exhausted.  I had to get wheeled from the airport back to our car.  Luckily, I made enough food and carried it on the plane to last the whole 56-hour trip.  I took what I’ve named Gelatinous Goo Stew, which has a bone marrow broth and also introduced seaweed this week.

Week 9:  Oct. 18 – Oct. 24:

The day after I returned from Indiana, I introduced new Chinese herbs, a blood tonic, which made me nauseous.  I also introduced brussel sprouts and tapioca flour.  I started making crepes for more carbs.  I was waking up in the middle of the night again and feeling pretty crappy.  I went to another wedding on Saturday, brought my own food and felt complete exhaustion the whole next day. 

Week 10: Oct. 25 – Oct. 31

I felt decent this week with a few bouts of nausea and bloating.  I introduced sauerkraut, licorice, coriander, fennel, pear (bloating), cordyceps (nauseous), coconut (bloating), arrowroot, Siberian ginseng, lemongrass and stevia.  On Friday I took a hike in Chataqua that was over an hour.  I was wrecked the rest of the weekend and didn’t leave the house for 3 days. 

Week 11: Nov. 1 – Nov. 7

Lots of headaches, burping, gassy, nauseous, bloated.  It felt like I was having a system shut down.  I quit eating meat for 3 days and started blending all my foods to make it easier on my body.  It looked like I was eating pink baby food.  Saturday afternoon I had my first period in 3.5 months and I took a bike ride late afternoon.  I was unable to walk by myself afterwards and could barely talk.  I slept for 12 hours that night and didn’t leave the house Sunday.  

Week 12: Nov. 8 - Nov. 14

This was my worst week on record.  I needed help walking at some point during each day.  I removed coconut from my diet because it was still suspect.  On Thursday the 11th, Andrew put me back on the original formula, which I was on from mid-September to mid-October and had me feeling great by the end.  It took my headaches away the next day, but took 3 days to revive my energy. I introduced mango (in a warm compote) and raspberry jam (with sugar), which gave me a headache.

Week 13: Nov. 15 - Nov. 21

On Monday morning, 3.5 days after returning to the original Qi building formula, I felt great.  I didn't crash until after my 2 hour hair appointment, boot shopping and part way into my People's Clinic appointment.  I recovered when I got home.  I switched to a Yang building tonic Wednesday night and was nauseous and low energy afterwards until I did moxa.  The only new introduction was chewable vitamin C and Chinese herbs.  On Friday Andrew added more Qi building herbs to my formula, which gave me more energy and tasted better.  I had big energy crashes every day between Thursday and Sunday with bouts of nausea but was definitely warm.  I seem to only get bloated when I'm low energy, despite what I eat.

Week 14: Nov. 22 - Nov. 28

The 28th was day 100! I can't believe how time flies. I must be the healthiest person alive now! I'm improving again this week. My lows aren't so low that I can't function. Besides explosive diarrhea after Thanksgiving dinner, I felt pretty good. This week I quit fish oil because the brand my parents got me 26 days earlier had SOY in it! I also quit Trifala because Andrew doesn't want me to be losing any more Qi than I have to (although I loved how regular it made me). I introduced artichoke, orange, hibiscus, schizandra berry, apple, pineapple, pumpkin, nutmeg, sunchokes (my new favorite veggie), peppers and vitamin D3. I found that digesting meat uses more Qi than I often have, so have been eating less of it, especially at night when I'm low. All in all, my diet feels great and I'm using my intuition and muscle testing to know what to eat when and what foods to add.

Week 15: Nov. 29 - Dec. 5

On Tuesday this week I woke up a bit depressed, which came and went all week until I started my cycle on Saturday (my first real one since July!) I was super gassy this week too, probably also related. All in all, I felt good energy this week besides Friday afternoon, when I couldn't walk and spent 10 hours on the couch. On Wednesday I realized I had been eating sugar in some form (honey, coconut sap, agave) everyday for a week since Thanksgiving and my elbow tendonitis and depression had returned. I cut all sugar out until Sunday night, which helped make my cramps and psychosis less. I added cilantro and sweet potatoes successfully and rooibos tea unsuccessfully (was slow and bloated afterwards). I had enough energy Sunday to start lifting weights!

Week 16: Dec. 6 - Dec. 12

Well, it was an up and down week. I had my most energetic day on Monday and a complete crash on Sunday with most everything in between. I introduced blackberry, parsnip, rutabaga 'Life Essence' vitamin drink and dill. Unfortunately, I realized that my intuition that some foods have developed sensitivities was right. We muscle tested foods and I failed with garlic, black pepper, tapioca, spinach, beets and sunchokes. Looks like I need to start over to an extent to make my body happy again. I'll out smart my immune system!

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