Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Serpent Dreams

After 8 days of being cocooned in stillness, the mesmerism broke.  Yesterday morning I awoke with clear, wide eyes and enough energy to get out of bed. All day I walked and talked like a real, upright human being.  It was delicious! I attribute my shift in health to a variety of factors. First, I sent out an email to my close friends, family and health practitioners Sunday night.  The power of prayer manifesting health was ineluctable.  My dad stayed up most of the night reading and praying.  When he passed out on the couch, my brother came and said "Jim! Don't worry, Kira is healing".

I dreamt of a huge snake the same night.  I never saw the whole body because he was hidden by leaves and brush, but I could tell the body was 4 to 5" in diameter.  I had a small gun and shot him twice.  It wasn't even necessary to find the body after I cleaned up the blood trail, because I knew he was dead.  In the book Animal Speak many cultures have significance around snakes, serpents and dragons.  Most think they are a sign of health and transformation.  The shedding of skin is like dying and rebirth.  The kundalini, or serpent fire, symbolizes the sexual / creative life force.  It seems relevant that 8 days earlier, in my shamanic session, I had small black serpents removed from each DNA strand that transformed to dragons and flew away.  The time between that instance and my snake dream were the worst I've had to date.

Another puzzle piece is the realization I had Sunday.  I was feeling trapped in this physical state of dis-ease, thinking I had dealt with all my fixations and delusions first.  As though I couldn't be healthy until I had forgiven everyone in my life, stopped judging completely, developed eternal patience, acceptance and equanimity.  Suddenly the muddy water settled and I saw that I am perfect and whole right now.  There is no waiting period like an insurance company.

Five days ago I switched back to my original Chinese herbal formula, which took me from sickness to health, mid-September to mid-October.  Since I switched to a blood tonic a month ago, my health has been back sliding. I've also added many foods that could be disagreeable for the tummy and immune system.

Today I realized that talking usually makes me exhausted (a sign of deficient Lung Qi) but writing and emailing energizes me.  The body is such an intricate and bizarre ecosystem!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, KiraZoe. I hope you're finding your way now.
